Tuesday 24 November 2015

Manchester Animation Festival: Man O Man

Out of all the animation I saw at this year's Manchester Animation Festival, the one that stood out to me the most due to it's sheer lunacy was Simon Cartwright's Man O Man, a mix of rod puppetry and stop motion animation that celebrates the sheer excess of the form.

Man O Man acts as a commentary on masculine insecurities, following a main character who after attending a primal therapy session lets his inner self loose to wreck havoc in an orgy of sex, drugs and destruction. This is all told through child-like puppetry like a sort of demented version of the muppets. It may be puerile, but it knows it is and revels in it, taking it all the way and making it part of the overall aesthetic. This is the sort of animation made for short film festivals. It's short, it doesn't outstay it's welcome and remains funny and entertaining throughout it's short runtime.

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