Tuesday 11 April 2017

PPP- Online Presence

Tumblr Blog

Recently I have taken steps to step up my online presence by starting a Tumblr Blog to which I can regularly upload pre-production work from projects I am currently working on. This started out as a necessity as I needed to submit my animations for LoopDeLoop through a Tumblr account for my Responsive module, however I soon found the minimalist design style of the pages ideal for showcasing my character sheets, background drawings and pieces of concept art; a sort of digital scrapbook. Tumblr also allows for GIFs and Embedded video which allows me to share links to my other social media accounts such as Vimeo and Twitter. I chose the name Jay's Art Dump as a sort of working title until I can think of something a bit more marketable such as 'Jay Foster Design', and I plan on expanding the branding, creating a proper banner and company logo for my profile picture at some point in the future.


I have kept the same Vimeo account I used last year and have been uploading new animations to it as I finish them throughout the course of the year. I prefer uploading video to Vimeo over Youtube due to the lack of video compression as well as the more creator-focused community and staff curation. Generally the design of the player is also sleeker and more professional than Youtube's; better suited to embedding on Facebook and Blogger. There are however limitations to the amount of content you can upload per week without having to pay for a premium account, which was not so much a problem this year, but could prove to be one in future, especially with longer animations. I've also made the effort to curate my own portfolio of work, privating any videos I feel don't present my work to the standard I hold myself too; mostly older animations.

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