Tuesday 22 May 2018

PP3- Writing a CV

For my professional CV I wanted to ensure I forgo any fluff and condense the entirety of my skills and qualifications onto a single sheet of A4. This was for several reasons; a simple, dense, to-the-point CV is more likely to be read, this is on branding with the rest of what I have put together in my promo pack and it allows me to emphasise my numerous instances of work experience in a clearer way. No employer wants to read pages of an online CV, so by keeping it short and highlighting my core attributes I hope to gain more attention.

The header of my CV uses the same assets as my website and business cards. I laid out my CV in accordance to web design convention, using Adobe Indesign with a grid guide layout of two columns, one taking up roughly 2/3 the width of the A4, the other 1/3. Font Hierarchies also follow the same usual web design conventions as my online portfolio, with text being Helvetica Light, with titles in Helvetica Bold and quotation in Helvetica Italics. I chose to highlight Key skills in a blue box as it is the most important decider for the employer when applying for a job, so it makes sense for an employer's eye to be drawn to it first in order to colour their impressions over the course of the rest of the essay. Keeping it simple and only using one block colour also is in keeping with the adherence to a minimalist style. 

I decided to prioritise paid work in the experience column as I feel this presents me as a more valuable practitioner.

(As results for my Undergraduate Degree come in I will update my CV to reflect the mark I get after graduation.)

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