Monday 9 May 2016

Laura Heit's 'Animation Sketchbooks'

Shortly before arriving at Leeds College of Art I purchased Laura Heit's book 'Animation Sketchbooks' after seeing it in a book shop at the Baltic Art Gallery. What struck me was just how rough some of the sketches from acclaimed animators were. I am guilty of obsessing over the quality of my pre-production work, to the point in which I will ditch entire sketchbooks if I don't feel the sketches in them are presentable. A quick flick through this book served as reassurance that the main priority in pre-production work is effectively communicating an idea, not necessarily presenting an idea. The book also gave some interesting insight into the creative processes of some of the animators featured in it, such as with the art director for the film Waltz With Bashir who states he drew sketches with his left hand despite being right handed in order to employ a rougher aesthetic.

A lot of what animators do in this book has inspired me on how I will go about presenting my pre-production work in second year. Next year I would like to keep a sort of sketchbook like a scrapbook, in which I create collages of ideas for my mood boards. Having a separate sketchbook for each project I feel would also help in containing and refining ideas.

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