Monday 9 May 2016

PPP Reflect Presentation

What have you learned and also what do you want to learn?

  • The importance of pre-production and research
  • Skills using various software packages
  • History and context of animation as well as the fundamental principles
  • The importance of garnering feedback from my peers
  • The importance of evaluating and reflecting upon work in order to improve future work

What have you enjoyed during the year and why, also what have you disliked and why?

  • I have enjoyed most of the modules this year
  • I did not enjoy the Visual Language module, as I feel it strayed too far away from animation and I would have preferred it had we been working toward an animation in the end with each study task.

What mistakes have you made (in and out of college) and how have you learned from them?

  • Leaving things til the last minute and poor time management
  • Not experimenting with different styles more often
  • Not keeping my blog up to date, especially with CoP
  • Attendance and missing important sessions
Has this made you consider how you do thing or will approach things in the future?
  • I’m planning on keeping a sketchbook with annotation next year to inform my blog
  • I’m going to write up CoP lectures the day of and not 3 weeks later
  • I’m going to be more experimental in my technique and drawing style, more graphic/3D work, less 2D/default drawing style
  • Drink less

What are your strengths and how will you develop them further and begin to apply them?
  • I like to think my writing skills are to standard and would like to write more for my blogs
  • I’d like to focus more on Pre-production and compositing
What are your weaknesses and how do you intend to address them?
  • I need to learn 3D software over the summer
  • I need to experiment with different styles

What did you want to get from the year? Have you achieved this?
  • Broader knowledge of animation and where it fits in the cultural context.
  • Fundamental animation skills with a broad understanding of the processes.
  • A clearer idea of what career path I would like to specialise in.

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